Neck Lift in Orlando, FL
Redefine your neckline

About Neck Lift Surgery
Restore a youthful neckline with neck lift surgery. The neck is one of the first areas to reveal your age as the skin becomes loose, lined, and crepey. Neck lift surgery tightens, firms, and redefines the neckline. With a carefully customized approach, a neck lift can help you look years younger.
Any healthy adult with age-related wrinkles, loose skin, volume loss, displaced fat, and thinning skin in the neck area may be a candidate for neck lift surgery. Candidates are typically in their early 40s or older and may also be candidates for facelift surgery. Most commonly, candidates will have deep creases, displaced fat, and loose skin in the neck and/or lower face, especially caused by aging, genetics, or extreme weight loss. Candidates should have a stable body weight, as future weight fluctuations can affect the results of neck lift surgery.
Neck lift surgery uses several techniques to rejuvenate the neck. Through incisions hidden in the hairline and behind the ears, loose skin is pulled back, displaced fat is repositioned, and subdermal tissues are surgically altered to redefine the neckline and produce a more youthful curve beneath the jawline. Excess skin is removed to smooth out creases and create a more even skin tone. A small incision may be placed beneath the chin to tighten the platysma muscle beneath the chin. Liposuction may also be performed to remove excess fat. Neck lift surgery is often combined with facelift surgery, as many candidates want to improve the appearance of both the neck and lower face.
Preparing for Surgery
You should be in good health prior to undergoing this surgery. If you are receiving treatment for any chronic health conditions, you will need to request clearance from your primary care physician. You may also need to get an EKG and basic blood work to evaluate your health in anticipation of a successful procedure and healthy recovery. You will also need to plan for adequate time off work and arrange for assistance during your recovery.
Recovery After Surgery
Most patients can expect approximately 1 to 2 weeks of downtime after a neck lift. During the first week of recovery, it is common to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Pain medications are rarely needed after 7 days. A feeling of tightness may develop concurrently with any swelling; this will fade quickly as swelling decreases. Sleeping at an incline is recommended to minimize swelling. By the end of the second week, most patients are ready to resume light activities and work.
Frequently Asked Questions
The incisions for neck lift surgery are hidden in the hairline and behind the ears. Depending on the depth of correction, the amount of displaced tissue, whether a full or mini neck lift is performed, and whether the procedure is combined with a facelift, neck lift scars may be anywhere from approximately 1.5 to 6 inches long. Due to their location, neck lift scars can usually be hidden with strategic hair styling and makeup application as they heal. Occasionally, an additional small incision will be placed beneath the chin. All neck lift scars should fade significantly over time.
Some people may benefit from getting a mini neck lift rather than a full neck lift. The mini neck lift has a shorter incision just behind the ear and provides more minor improvements for those who need less correction.
Neck lift surgery and facelift surgery are often combined to yield more dramatic aesthetic results. Both procedures are frequently performed in the same sitting so that you only have to endure one surgery day and one surgical recovery period. Combining these procedures often provides more substantial rejuvenation for better overall aesthetic results.
A common side effect of aging is displaced fat in the neck area, the appearance of which is worsened by loose skin. Along with repositioning the tissues to redefine the neckline, liposuction may also be performed to remove persistent localized fat from the neck. This will give your neck a noticeably smaller and slimmer contour.
If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and stable body weight after surgery, you can expect your neck lift results to last a long time. That said, the natural aging process will continue, and you may experience changes in skin laxity and fat displacement over time. With a healthy lifestyle, you can help to ensure long-lasting results.