Chemical Peels
in Orlando, FL
Revitalize and refresh your skin

About Chemical Peels
Restore clear, youthful skin with chemical peels. Chemical peels (also called skin peels) can correct fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, textural irregularities, acne scars, and other common signs of damaged and aging skin. A chemical peel uniquely formulated for your needs can give you the beautifully soft, smooth, and blemish-free skin you desire.
Nearly any healthy adult may be a candidate for a chemical peel. Candidates typically want to correct signs of aging or damaged skin on the face or body, including fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, discoloration, textural irregularities, dryness, active acne, acne scars, precancerous lesions, and more.
Treatment Areas
Chemical peels can be performed on various areas of the body to restore a more youthful and even skin tone and appearance. Most commonly, they are performed on the face, hands, neck, and décolletage (upper chest area).
Chemical peels are specially formulated to meet each patient’s precise needs. Depending on the degree of treatment desired, a chemical peel can be administered in mild, moderate, or deep depth. During the treatment, the chemical solution is applied directly to the skin for approximately 15 to 60 minutes (depending on depth), then removed. Over the following days, the reaction causes the damaged skin layers to peel away.
After the Procedure
The recovery experience varies based on the individual and the depth of the peel. Typically, the skin reacts as though to a sunburn and reddens, develops scales or blisters, then peels away within one to two weeks to reveal healthy new skin. Skin care and sun care should be performed as instructed to protect the treated skin and reduce the risk of inflammation and sensitivity. Additional instructions will be provided to help you have a successful recovery.
Full Face Phenol-Croton Oil Peel (Deep Chemical Peel)
Post-Treatment Moisturizing with Aquaphor
Frequently Asked Questions
Chemical peels work by destroying layers of damaged, aging skin. The body naturally replaces the old, damaged skin with a fresh, healthy layer of skin tissue. Chemical peels can be performed at various depths to address damage and rejuvenate the skin. Depending on the peel, patients may get repeat treatments as needed to optimize their results.
Chemical peels can correct fine lines, wrinkles, sun spots, age spots, other pigmented lesions (such as freckles or melasma), textural irregularities, dryness, and uneven skin tone. They can also eliminate shallow acne scars, some types of active acne, and even some precancerous lesions.
Each chemical peel is formulated for the patient’s unique skin. The depth of the peel provides a different treatment experience depending on the patient’s needs.
- Mild chemical peel: A mild peel removes only the outermost skin layer to treat acne, fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, and skin tone. Treatment can be repeated every two to five weeks.
- Moderate chemical peel: A moderate peel removes the outermost and some upper middle skin layers to treat acne scars, uneven skin tone, and moderate wrinkles. Treatment is not done frequently but can be repeated occasionally to maintain results.
- Deep chemical peel: A deep peel removes outer, middle, and deeper skin layers to treat deep wrinkles, scars, and even precancerous skin growths. Usually, only one treatment is necessary to achieve results.
Chemical peels are best performed on individuals with light to medium skin tones, but with caution they can be safely performed on darker skin tones. Dr. Poris will determine the safest and best technique for your needs.
Chemical peels can yield dramatic results. They have been proven to significantly improve and even eliminate many pigmented lesions, fine lines, wrinkles, textural irregularities, dryness, acne scars, active acne, and precancerous lesions. You can expect your skin to appear noticeably smoother, younger, and healthier.
Results from chemical peels can be long-lasting. The best way to maintain your results is to adopt good skin care practices and wear daily sun protection. Regular mild chemical peels can also help you maintain your results long-term. Dr. Poris can recommend a treatment regimen to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.