If you’re listening to this podcast, chances are you know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer or you have been personally affected in some way. It Is no secret that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, but other than a very scary looking statistic, what does being diagnosed, going through treatment, and getting reconstruction look like? 

Dr. Stephenie Poris, @Stiletto_Surgeon a plastic surgeon in Orlando, FL and three of her amazing patients share their personal stories and tips from diagnosis through recovery.

Dr. Nilusha Fernando, a pain medicine physician and mother to two young children gives her personal journey as a patient seeking answers and going through treatment.

Jennifer Lopez, at the young age of 36 was diagnosed with breast cancer. Jennifer shares the difficulty of “holding it all together” as she maintained normalcy not only with her two young children, but her extremely successful wedding and event planning company, Bella Sposa Events &. Confetti and Co.


Jayne Williams, C.H.H.C, A.A.D.P, N.L.C, is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, podcast host and long-time advocate of health and nutrition. With a significant family history of breast cancer and some serious “scan-ziety”, she knew it was time to prophylactically remove her breasts and undergo reconstruction. She has been kind enough to not only share her experience today, but has provided a special nutritional pre-and-post surgical protocol for your use.


Breast cancer affects all women. Whether you are personally diagnosed, are a caregiver or friend, we hope this podcast provides some insight and answers some common questions in regards to diagnosis, reconstruction and beyond!
***All three patients had bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies and direct to implant (same day) breast reconstruction with silicone gel implants.
*** Breast Surgeon: Dr. Anupama Saigal
*** Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Stephenie Poris

We want to thank these ladies for sharing their most vulnerable moments and providing us with feedback on their personal journey!

Download the Pre-and-post surgical nutritional protocol here.